Healing Your Third Chakra
Become Confident and Powerful
Unlock Your Potential
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”
Sounds delightful right? Then why aren’t you doing it? This 3 Week Class can help you get there.
Over and over again I hear the same themes from clients:
Self Doubt
And the same excuses:
“I can’t”
“I’m afraid to…”
“Did I do something wrong?”
“Is it me?”
“I don’t deserve…”
Whether it’s in relationships (romantic, platonic, business, etc) – or the lack thereof – or when it comes to career, money, health, spirituality… take your pick. The theme is the same. And the source? An unhealthy Third Chakra.
The Third Chakra is in the upper abdomen and holds our:
To be happy, healthy and have a vibrant, successful life, all three need to be in a high vibration. When they are low, it will affect every area of our lives although some may be more obvious than others. For example, you may hold strong, healthy boundaries when it comes to relationships but, on the other hand, you work way too hard, routinely putting in longer hours than anyone else (gotta show them how great / valuable you are) or you just can’t get ahead financially. By the way, when it comes to money, keeping your head above water is not healing. Financially safe and secure – and deserving of that – is healing.
I’ve seen an unhealthy Third Chakra wreak havoc in people’s lives. A great guy / girl (finally!) shows up but you “don’t deserve it” or are too fearful to open your heart. Bye bye love. And let’s see how long it takes for that bus to come along again.
You hear of a great new job / promotion opening up. Enter self-doubt, low self-esteem and lack of courage. Even if you apply, your energy will not be behind it. Bye bye great new job – and the big raise that would have made so many other things possible. But again, you don’t have the self-esteem to be an energetic match to bring those great new things in.
I’ve also seen extraordinary inspiration come in, where the person’s Spirit finally gets their attention and tells them to set up that new business, write that book, make that career change, take that class, etc. And they start to go for it, start feeling that excitement of getting into alignment with their Spirit and then BOOM! They drop into fear and self-doubt. In an instant their energy changes and the opportunity to change their life in some extraordinary way moves away.
Has it ever occurred to you what healing your Third Chakra could do for you? How it could change your life?
What if you never again dropped down into that low self-esteem, lack of confidence and courage that you’re used to? Or maybe for you, it’s not quite that low but it is a consistent pattern. What if you stopped indulging that pattern on such a regular basis?
What if you found a well of courage inside you so deep that you knew you could do anything?
What if you boost your self-esteem to an all-new high? For any of you who have already worked with me, you know that “healing” is not some ethereal, intangible concept. It’s very simple: change your energy, change your life. People feel different – and quickly.
How? By identifying and dissolving the wounds, beliefs, fears and illusions that you’ve been living in.

Ready For Change?
If you’re ready to start – or continue – healing your Third Chakra and see how it changes your life, then register for this 3 WEEK CLASS.